I'm starting off this new year with some musical news, as my husband has just released his new album today and I thought I'd share his latest newsletter with you:
Red turns to Blue released today!

After over a year of composing, mixing, collaborating, listening, remixing, working on artwork, changing distributor and mastering the album it is finally released. If you haven’t had chance to hear any preview of the album then I can prepare you for the experience by sharing the following.
The new album is a musical journey and you will find that the new album features tracks ranging from the more traditional commercial sound to tracks with feel from the first Voide album Space Sponge.. I knew very early that this album would be a ’bumpy’ ride although not in an uncomfortable fashion. I’ve put a lot of effort into the arrangement of the track order and I hope that the album will provide you with an engaging and interesting listener experience.
The past year has been full of challenges and hard work both with music and other matters and it is great to feel that I can now deliver a album that I am really proud over, I hope you will like it too!
Make sure that you listen to the title track Red turns to Blue featuring Pixieguts that uses lyrices inspired and partially used by Isabel Lavender.
It appears that the promised digital distribution is lagging a bit, likely due to the holidays, and all sites don’t have the new album listed yet – it should appear in a couple of days.
In the meanwhile you can listen and enjoy the new album at these sites:
Bandcamp (abum available for secure digital purchases using PayPal)
Happy New Year and best wishes for the new decade!
Dave of Voide
I don't know what kind of music you all like, but this music is PERFECT to have in the background when you're scrapping - I love it! In my left margin you can find a player with some of Voide's music - try it, you might like it! ;)
I wish you all a crafty new year!