fredag 30 december 2011
Book Card
I've made a book card for the challenge over at Mea Vita Scrapbooking - visit their blog to check out the challenge.

söndag 25 december 2011
Christmas Gifts
Marry Christmas everyone!
These two boxes were given to members of my family for Christmas - they contained gifts not meant for them, but for children in need.

In Pyssloteket's blog you can find all details about materials used.
These little boxes are my favourites at the moment - even my daughter Kajsa has helped me paint them, but she leaves the decorating for me, she's more into acrylic paints and paintbrushes than anything else at the moment... ;)
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas!

torsdag 1 december 2011
Kortvikningskurs på Pyssloteket
Nu på lördag den 3 december är det dags för kurs igen - på Pyssloteket!
Vi kommer att hålla på mellan 12 och 15 och jag kommer att visa tre olika kortvikningar för att kunna variera julkortsmakeriet lite. Kursen kostar 280 kr och då ingår såklart material. Anna brukar vara generös med att bjuda på fika, så ni behöver inte oroa er för att sitta törstiga och sugna under kursens gång. ;)
De kortvikningar som jag kommer att visa är:
* Stafflikort
* Fönsterkort
* Blöjkort - låter inte lika fint som engelskans diaper fold... ;)
Exempelbilder och mer info finns i Pysslotekets kalender, så är du sugen på att vara med och vika kort på lördag så föreslår jag att du anmäler dig! :)
Ha det gott!

söndag 27 november 2011
First of Advent
A perfect opportunity to show you some of this year's Christmas cards, which I've made forPyssloteket:

Check out the blog if you want to see the complete list of materials used for these cards!
Take care!

onsdag 23 november 2011
Once upon a time, when I was part of the TPSC team, I made this card. Unfortunately for me, I made the mistake of using the wrong stamp for that particular challenge, so I had to save this one for later. BUT I forgot about it and now I found it again:

A thank you card is always good to have and give away - there is so much to be thankful for!
Take care!

måndag 21 november 2011
August 27 was a gorgeous day - a day when we celebrated Malin and Mattias getting married! The wedding and the party was held close to Östersund in the north of Sweden - surrounded by the gorgeous scenery of the north we partied all night with our bellies full of fantastic food and beverages. ;)
This is the card I made for them:

Of course I had to sign the card with my favourite colour - YELLOW! ;D
lördag 19 november 2011
For Malin
My dear friend Malin celebrated her 25th birthday (oh so true! ;) a couple of weeks ago, so I sent her this card:

Lovely patterned paper from My Mind's Eye and some mini roses and pearls - pretty clean and simple, but still a little fancy with the gorgeous pattern on the paper. Love it - the colour is sooo gorgeous!
Now I'm off to enjoy a quiet Saturday evening - maybe with a glass of wine or two?
Take care!

söndag 13 november 2011
Clean & Simple
You might have noticed that I have a love for two different styles of scrapping - Vintage/Shabby Chic AND Clean and simple? Well, why pick just one when you can alternate? This layout is made during a class I taught at Pyssloteket some weeks ago:

"Happy girl in a hat"
The Swedish phrase is a bit hard to translate correctly...
Check out Pyssloteket's blog if you want to know about the materials I've used.
Take care!

måndag 7 november 2011
...om du bor i Åkersberga eller Stockholm med omnejd så kanske detta är något för dig:
Jag kommer högst sannolikt att vara där den 17/11 och den 1/12 - kommer du? :)
Ha det gott!
tisdag 1 november 2011
Kajsa and the Bucket
She loves water. She could play for hours. She makes her mother work in the meantime...

That means - she wants me to go and fill up the bucket with more water, since all the water she had is ... gone ... How could that be?! Well, she was having fun, and she was watering some of the plants in the garden at the same time, so I guess it was a win-win situation!! ;)
I've used plenty of lovely MME supplies, as well as WOC flowers - some of my favourites! But, for my number one favourite Kajsa - only the best is good enough!!
Take care!

söndag 30 oktober 2011
Cards Galore!
Here are some cards I've made for Pyssloteket:

For your (birth)day


Check out the blog for a list of materials used. I just LOVE the embossing folder I've used on the first card - of course it's one of Tim Holtz's Texture Fades, this one called Fancy & Floral Frames.
Take care!

söndag 16 oktober 2011
More cards for Pyssloteket
Today there's a new post in Pyssloteket's blog with these two cards:

I'm sorry about the lack of posts in here, but I have been busy with so many other things than crafting and blogging lately. I will not disappear entirely, that much I promise!
Take care!

torsdag 6 oktober 2011
How strong?
Found this amazing quote when I visited Ingrid's blog to check out her gorgeous paperbag card:
"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water"
Eleanor Roosevelt
I think it's so true - many people don't know how much they can handle before they're smack in the middle of it. Many are stronger than they think. Much stronger.
Take care!
tisdag 4 oktober 2011
Kurser på Pyssloteket
På torsdag och lördag denna veckan så är det kurs på Pyssloteket och det finns fortfarande platser kvar för de som är intresserade.
Torsdagen den 6 oktober 18-21 håller Gunsan i en kurs i olika stämpeltekniker och den kostar 280 kr. På lördag den 8 oktober är det jag som håller i en scrapbookingkurs Clean & Simple - tiden är 12-15 och priset är 280 kr.
Väl mött på Pyssloteket!

söndag 2 oktober 2011
Cards for good friends
I've made a couple of cards from my generous, everlasting stash of material from Pyssloteket - cards for friends:

If you are curious what materials I've used - check out Pyssloteket's blog!
Take care!

söndag 18 september 2011
Lovely Victoria Garden
New layout in Pyssloteket's blog today:

So - I still scrap, but I have little time to blog... ;)
Take care!

söndag 4 september 2011
Wonderful Karin
In my DT material from Pyssloteket there are LOTS and LOTS of ribbon, and I thought of creating a clean & simple layout with ribbon. This is how it turned out:

Check out Pyssloteket's blog for more details.
Isn't she lovely, my dear friend? The splash of colour fits her perfectly - because that's what she is - colourful and gorgeous!
Take care!

tisdag 23 augusti 2011
Misted Madness

I just LOVE the photo on this layout - Malinda looks utterly crazy, and that's why I went mad with Glimmer Mist on my background. This layout was made for Pyssloteket, and I posted a step-by-step guide on how I created the layout some time ago, so if you're curious, take a peek in the blog.
Take care!

söndag 21 augusti 2011
Ice Cream Time
There have been plenty of ice creams in our hands (and mouths) this summer...

Ice cream number umpteenth
This layout is made for Pyssloteket - a scrapbooking store pretty close to where I live, a place to shop, enjoy the company of Anna, the owner, and to have a creative afternoon. I'm so very happy to announce that I've been given a permanent spot on the DT there, so happy that Anna wants me on her team! Thank you, Anna!!!
If you want to know more about the materials used on this layout, please click yourself onwards to the blog.
Have a lovely Sunday!
Take care,

söndag 7 augusti 2011
Friendly Card
Good friends deserve a card, don't you think?

I've been busy almost all summer, so this is the first card I've made in a looong time! I hope that my mojo will return soon, because I miss crafting!
The card is made with material from Pyssloteket, and there is a list of what I've used over at the blog, if you want to know! :)
Take care!

måndag 1 augusti 2011
I'm here...
...but haven't touched my scrap stash in a month!! How strange is that...?
Will give you a few words of wisdom for now:

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