söndag 30 september 2012
Blog Candy?
Do you think it's about time that I have a blog candy? Is there anyone out there who is interested? Raise your hands....!

Sticky-back canvas - fun!!
I've had a 12x12 sheet of sticky back canvas in my stash for quite some time, and when a relative of mine wanted me to make a birthday card to someone who turned 50, it was necessary to try it! The card should have something to do with horses, and I don't have ANYTHING in my stash that is related to horses, so I had to pull out my sticky-back canvas and use it. I printed a picture of a horse and transferred it to the canvas. It took 3 tries before I was pleased with the picture, but it was FUN!
I've published this card in Pyssloteket's blog today - so head over there if you want more details about materials.
Take care!
I've published this card in Pyssloteket's blog today - so head over there if you want more details about materials.
Take care!

söndag 23 september 2012
Cute Cousins
This is my daughter Kajsa and her cousin Julius - sweet as candy...
I've used some Echo Park papers that I've cut the hexagon shapes out of, and then I've just decorated with stickers and alpha stickers. A fairly clean and simple layout, with the little sweethearts in focus. ♥
More information about the layout can be found in Pyssloteket's blog.
Take care!
I've used some Echo Park papers that I've cut the hexagon shapes out of, and then I've just decorated with stickers and alpha stickers. A fairly clean and simple layout, with the little sweethearts in focus. ♥
More information about the layout can be found in Pyssloteket's blog.
Take care!

torsdag 20 september 2012
Skissutmaning på Pyssloteket
tisdag 18 september 2012
Scrapptorget har just nu en serie med utmaningar som handlar om de sju dödssynderna och just nu tolkar vi GIRIGHET. Jag har gjort ett kort med en Gorjuss-stämpel där den lilla fröken ser ut att säga eller tänka "Det är faktiskt JAG som fyller år och JAG vill ha FLER presenter" - eller något liknande... ;-)
Jag har målat med Distress Markers för fösta gången och det var verkligen skoj! Det kommer definitivt inte att bli den sista gången - har redan ett motiv till målat och redo att användas till ett kort.
Håll utkik efter de olika utmaningarna - än så länge har vi bara tolkat två:
så det finns många chanser att vara med i de kommande utmaningarna.
Häng på!!
Håll utkik efter de olika utmaningarna - än så länge har vi bara tolkat två:
så det finns många chanser att vara med i de kommande utmaningarna.
Häng på!!

söndag 16 september 2012
Yo Bro!
This is my brother - he's absolutely barking mad:
But I love him - maybe just because he's such a fruitcake!! ;D
More details about the layout, plus a list of materials used can be found on Pyssloteket's blog.
Take care!
But I love him - maybe just because he's such a fruitcake!! ;D
More details about the layout, plus a list of materials used can be found on Pyssloteket's blog.
Take care!

lördag 15 september 2012
The Seven Deadly Sins
A challenge with the seven deadly sins has just recently started over at Scrapptorget - have you seen it? Being a teacher of Swedish and English, and having a great interest in literature, I found this theme VERY inspiring, so of course I wanted to join.
The first sin to interpret is PRIDE and I've used a picture of Kajsa doing one of her "regal waves" - she loves princesses and if she wants to put on a dress, she says "princess", because she apparently thinks she looks like one when wearing a dress. ;) The beauty of childhood is that there is no pride in this whatsoever, but I interpreted it like this anyway. A very good-natured way of showing a bit of hubris, right?
To have a look at the other contributions to this challenge - PRIDE - checka out THIS page!
Next week there will be a new sin to interpret - so be there!! :D
Take care!

tisdag 11 september 2012
Scrappy News
...but not at all crappy - they're FUN news!!!
You MIGHT have seen it already, you might not have - but I'm now officially a part of the inspirational team at Scrapptorget! I'm really happy and proud to be one of the chosen ones, and I hope that I'll do a good job in inspiring the readers!
My first assignment was to create a layout to introduce myself - here it is:
So, keep your eyes peeled - there will be more in a not to distant future - you haven't missed the fun challenge with the 7 deadly sins, have you? Here is some information, and here! The current sin we're interpreting is PRIDE. So, why don't you give it a try?
Take care!
You MIGHT have seen it already, you might not have - but I'm now officially a part of the inspirational team at Scrapptorget! I'm really happy and proud to be one of the chosen ones, and I hope that I'll do a good job in inspiring the readers!
My first assignment was to create a layout to introduce myself - here it is:
So, keep your eyes peeled - there will be more in a not to distant future - you haven't missed the fun challenge with the 7 deadly sins, have you? Here is some information, and here! The current sin we're interpreting is PRIDE. So, why don't you give it a try?
Take care!

söndag 9 september 2012
Enjoy Life
This summer my brother and one of my absolute best friends got married. They did it their own way, without all the hoopla that usually comes with a wedding. I'm so happy for them and I made this layout with pictures taken on the day before their wedding. :)
If you want to know some more about what materials I've used, please pop by Pyssloteket's blog! :)
Take care,

torsdag 6 september 2012
Mr & Mrs - WOC Challenge 58
Last summer I was a guest at Malin & Mattias' wedding - a beautiful day and a very beautiful couple - just look at them:
What better challenge to submit this layout to than the current one at Wild Orchid Challenge?! The challenge is LAYER IT UP - you have to have at least 3 layers on your creation, plus something from Wild Orchid Crafts. I have 4 layers on my layout, plus pearl swirls, mini roses, rosebuds and leaves from the WOC shop.
The title says "Mr and Mrs" and I used one of my new stamps - "trust your heart" from set of stamps called "Empowered Words" made by Unity Stamps. I just love these sentiments!
The patterned papers I've used are Maja Designs Vintage Summer collection - I have been saving it for a looong time, but now I decided to really USE them!!
Take care!
What better challenge to submit this layout to than the current one at Wild Orchid Challenge?! The challenge is LAYER IT UP - you have to have at least 3 layers on your creation, plus something from Wild Orchid Crafts. I have 4 layers on my layout, plus pearl swirls, mini roses, rosebuds and leaves from the WOC shop.
The title says "Mr and Mrs" and I used one of my new stamps - "trust your heart" from set of stamps called "Empowered Words" made by Unity Stamps. I just love these sentiments!
The patterned papers I've used are Maja Designs Vintage Summer collection - I have been saving it for a looong time, but now I decided to really USE them!!
Take care!

söndag 2 september 2012
Mists and masks
Today I'm showing you a card that I made for Pyssloteket some time ago:
I've used a lot of different stamps from Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous, mask from Crafter's Workshop and then I decorated with flowers and bling. :) It's so much fun to challenge yourself to stop thinking so much when creating - when I craft in company with my friends, we usually tell each other to "DO - don't THINK" when we just sit there and turn our beautiful patterned pappers over and over again. ;-)
If you haven't tried it already - DO! Don't think so much - CREATE!
Take care!
I've used a lot of different stamps from Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous, mask from Crafter's Workshop and then I decorated with flowers and bling. :) It's so much fun to challenge yourself to stop thinking so much when creating - when I craft in company with my friends, we usually tell each other to "DO - don't THINK" when we just sit there and turn our beautiful patterned pappers over and over again. ;-)
If you haven't tried it already - DO! Don't think so much - CREATE!
Take care!

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