My daughter is turning 5 soon, and she's very into princesses and fairies and things like that at the moment. I thought it was a good idea to make her a card like this - also meant for the vintage challenge on
Mollys Scrapbooking's blog. Today is the last day to participate, so this will be my last contribution:
Somehow I didn't make it pink, even though I know that Kajsa likes that colour - maybe it all was goint to be too sugar sweet, I don't know? Anyway - I just LOVE the stamps from Saturated Canary, don't you?!
Now, time for bed - work tomorrow!
Take care,
WOW!!!! Vilket vackert kort!!!
SvaraRaderaVinterkramen Anna
Tack snälla du!! :D Vad glad jag blir!
RaderaHei du:) For et flott kort du har laget:)
SvaraRaderaTack så hemskt mycket Vibeke! :)