tisdag 25 juni 2013


This is one of those pages that makes me feel so much joy - this is colourful and happy and I LOVE the photograph!!

♥ ♥ ♥

Take care!

måndag 24 juni 2013

Forgotten LOs

I found some old LOs, forgotten and not posted in my blog - shame on me! I think they both are from a crop at Scrapp-Perras this last winter. December feels pretty far away right now... ;-) I don't mind that AT ALL!

Anyway - here are my forgotten pages:

One BOM and one page about how I love spending time with Kajsa - my little sunshine girl! I think I won a challenge with one of the LOs and came second with the other. Not sure which one's which, but that doesn't matter - I'm really proud either which way! :)

Hope you're enjoying summer - I'm off work now and in a little more than a week, me and Kajsa are off to visit good friends on Gotland! Yey!

Take care!

måndag 17 juni 2013

Summer Gifts

Since the summer holidays are closing in, I decided to make some gifts for the teachers at Kajsa's daycare centre. Kajsa chose the patterned papers (I gave her a selection) for the teachers. She was very specific - Tarja was going to have the one with balloons on it, and so on. ;-)

You can find more information about what I've used on Pyssloteket's blog.

The brown paper bags contained chocolates - I didn't know what to give them, so I decided chocolates was a good alternative! Who doesn't like chocolates? ;-) They looked very happy when they recieved the gifts, so I hope they appreciated them!

Take care!

söndag 16 juni 2013

Sunrise Sunset @ Pyssloteketk

Finnabair is one of my favourites in the scrapbooking world, and she has designed a collection of patterned papers for Prima Marketing called Sunrise Sunset. I've used papers from this collection for this layout - I love the yellow and orange tones here!

I love to use paints, inks and stamps - and that's what I've done here. Along with some tearing and edge scraping - you know I love it! :D I've also made some of my own flowers in layers using the EK Success Retro flower punch in different sizes. That's a good idea to do when/if you don't have the right colour flowers for a particular project. Just use the same patterned paper as you do on a page and you will get a perfect match! :)

More information about materials used can be found here.

Take care!

onsdag 12 juni 2013

1000 inlägg!

Idag firar jag 1000 inlägg i min blogg - startad den 6 oktober 2007. Det har tagit nästan 6 år att fylla bloggen med så här många inlägg - nästan 1 inlägg varannan dag om jag inte räknar tokigt. ;-) Det som förvånar mig är att jag lyckats hålla bloggen vid liv så länge, även om jag har haft mina tysta perioder.

Så, för att fira så kommer jag att ha en tävling med ett färgglatt pris:

För att få vara med och ha en chans att vinna detta priset så vill jag att du skapar något FÄRGGLATT. Du får tolka temat hur du vill och gärna förklara hur du har tolkat temat.

  • LO, kort, altrat, art journaling, canvas etc. - allt pappers/färgpyssel är tillåtet
  • Ingen digital scrapbooking.
  • Blogga ditt bidrag och länka med Inlinkz nedan - var noga med att länka till "rätt" inlägg
  • Du får vara med i andra utmaningar/tävlingar med ditt alster om du vill. 
  • Max ett bidrag per person.
  • Deltagare måste vara bosatta i Sverige, eller ha en adress inom Sverige som jag kan posta till.
Deadline är 31 juli kl 23:55.

Vinnaren väljs ut av mig själv, ett par vänner och någon/några ur min familj.

Sätt igång och SKAPA!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

tisdag 11 juni 2013

New Maja Design

Maja Design has released a new collection of patterned papers - I need it!! :D It will go perfectly with all my photos of Kajsa in her princess dresses!!


It looks gorgeous, doesn't it?

Take care!

måndag 10 juni 2013

Birthday card with flowers

One of my very best friends celebrated her birthday recently, and since it's a busy time for us teachers right now, I'm glad I had this card ready. I just added her name to the card and it was ready to go!

The patterned paper is from Maja Design, and of course I've added tons of flowers to the card... I just couldn't help myself. ;-)

Take care!

söndag 9 juni 2013


Happy news today - check this out!

scuba diving in menorca

Take care!

torsdag 6 juni 2013

Ice cream break with Måzart

My daughter Kajsa made sure Måzart had his share of the ice cream as well... ;-)

I entered a challenge @ Scrap-Perras with this LO (May challenge) - you had to pick one row on this bingo card:

I picked a diagonal row with 2 patterned papers, a stamp or a photo, and flowers. You could also add some letter stickers if you wanted to, and I did so and stayed completely true to the challenge. Of course you could add cardstock and such, too. ;-)

Take care!

tisdag 4 juni 2013

Gorjuss @ Pyssloteket

Today I'll give you a bunch of cards made with stamps from Gorjuss Girl - one of my favourites to colour and use on cards! It's one and the same stamp, just coloured with different colours.

 Happy Birthday


You can find them all over @ Pyssloteket's blog - with a list of materials - if you are curious.

Take care!

söndag 2 juni 2013

Word play - LO @ Scrapptorget

It's June. How did that happen?! Well, noone it happier than me, and I'm enjoying this time of year a lot! Summer holidays are soon  upon us, and then it's time for relaxation, spending time with friends and family, and of course some travelling.

One thing I really enjoy doing is playing games. This page is about me and my mother playing Scrabbles - we both love it and my mum is SO good at it, I don't think I've ever beaten her... ;-)

You can find this LO @ Scrapptorget today - check the blog out for a lot of inspiration!

Now, I'm off for a date with Ben & Jerry... ;-)

Take care!