This is one of my very best friends; Annika:

This layout is for Brunkullan with the lovely patterned papers from Scrap Within Reach - I love them!! I love the patterns and the muted colours and the double sides - all sooo yummy to scrap with!
Now I'm off to continue cleaning the house and bulldozing through the garden - everything needs to be ready for tomorrow. I'm also making two of these...
Take care and have a lovely summer's day!
/ Jeanette
So pretty-with an old-fashioned feel!
SvaraRaderaHar egentligen bara ett ord att säga: Wow!
SvaraRaderaWow vilket underbart porträtt av Annika, och wow vilken underbar layout du har gjort....WOW!!! *samlar i blindo upp ögonen som har trillat ur skallen*
Underbar LO och ett fantastiskt vackert foto på Annika!